The possibility to produce architecture by negotiating between two different mediums - a media-based representation, and a more systematic and hands-on manipulation of the material itself, is attractive in itself.

When approached by Grace Tan of kwodrent to collaborate on her newest project "envelop", we were immediately intrigued by the proposal - a process-driven project with an emphasis on manifesting concept and technique.
We love how kwodrent’s work methodology is derivative from a tactile relationship with her medium, in her case fabric, in order to discover its inherent logic. The possibility to produce architecture by negotiating between two different mediums - a media-based representation, and a more systematic and hands-on manipulation of the material itself, is attractive in itself.
We love how kwodrent’s work methodology is derivative from a tactile relationship with her medium, in her case fabric, in order to discover its inherent logic. The possibility to produce architecture by negotiating between two different mediums - a media-based representation, and a more systematic and hands-on manipulation of the material itself, is attractive in itself.
Although the traditional materials of buildings are bricks, mortar, steel and glass, the architect’s primary medium of expression is ostensibly paper. We doodle, sketch, and draw on this medium. As much as we love computers and 3D modelling software, our first step in translating an idea is usually through sketches on paper.
Using 2494 folded sheets of standard A4 sized paper, we have attempted to explore the relationship between idea, representation, media and object. Paper is used to conceive, draw, and then make this installation.
Using 2494 folded sheets of standard A4 sized paper, we have attempted to explore the relationship between idea, representation, media and object. Paper is used to conceive, draw, and then make this installation.
Completion 2008
Peter Sim, Xu Naiyan
Collaborators: kwodrent |
Photographer: kwodrent